Game Lit Remix & Video Game Design 3 to 4
This course introduces students to the exciting world of game-based storytelling, where narrative and interactivity collide. Students will explore how video games tell stories, design immersive game worlds, and develop mechanics that enhance storytelling.
Coupon Code: EARLYBIRD (until March 31, 2025)
By the end of the course, students will undertake a research-driven project, creating their own interactive story or simple game inspired by a literary work. Combining literary analysis, creative design, and technical skills, this course empowers students to bring stories to life in the digital realm.
This integrated Game Lit Remix curriculum for grades 3 and 4 aligns with key educational standards and promotes critical thinking, creativity, and digital literacy to prepare students for the future.
Common Core Standards Alignment:
· CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.6 - Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others.
· CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.6 - Describe how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences how events are described.
Digital and Multimedia Literacy Alignment:
· Exploring the impact of interactive elements on storytelling.
· Collaborative design and digital storytelling.
STEM & Literacy Academy by The Masterpiece Academy
Here is the class outline:
1. Intro to Game-Based StorytelllingThis unit introduces students to narrative in video games, exploring how stories can be told interactively. Students will read and analyze stories from popular children's games and literature, understanding the basics of storytelling and character development in the context of video games. |
2. Designing Game WorldsStudents will learn about the elements of game worlds, including setting, atmosphere, and world-building principles. They will create their game world concept, drawing inspiration from readings and applying their knowledge of literary settings to the design process. |
3. Game Mechanics and Interactive StorytellingThis unit delves into the mechanics of video games and how they influence storytelling. Students will analyze game mechanics in literature-themed games and design a simple game mechanic that enhances narrative storytelling. |
4. Research and Development ProjectIn this culminating unit, students undertake a research and development project to design a simple video game or interactive story inspired by a piece of literature. They research the chosen literary work, develop a concept, and create a project plan. |